Crime Survey 2024

Thank you very much for filling in my survey form on Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour

More than 400 people filled in my survey, and I will take up the findings with Kent’s Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Scott.


The results are fascinating. More than three-quarters of those responding had witnessed a crime, with the most common being speeding. The next two most common categories were drug dealing, closely followed by fly tipping. Despite this, most people feel very safe in their own neighbourhood. I asked how safe people considered their neighbourhood on a scale of 0-10, where 10 is extremely safe. The most popular score was 8, and the vast majority gave scores higher than 5. When people did encounter crime in their own area, the most likely was anti-social behaviour. The biggest demand was for more visible policing, which came up as the answer to a number of questions. As a result I will convey this clear message to the police authorities, so that we can all see police on our streets more often.


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Survey Results

Survey Results

Survey Results

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