My Plan for Ashford

There's much to be proud about in Ashford, but I want to make sure that services and the local economy continue to flourish. I want to make sure local people have access to the very best in our area. 

I'll be focusing on these six key points outlined below:

  • Curb the blockages on the M20

    We need the M20 to run smoothly not only for freight and tourist traffic but also to ensure that our local roads are kept clear of traffic that ought to be on the motorway. So I want to see Operation Brock used only in real emergencies.

  • Bring Eurostar services back to Ashford

    Eurostar stopped services to and from Ashford at the start of the pandemic and have not yet restored them. I am involved with campaigning alongside Kent County Council and Ashford Borough Council to persuade the company to bring them back.

  • Bringing jobs, skills and prosperity

    Ashford has proved an exciting place to do business in recent years. I have worked with business organisations and councils to make Ashford attractive to inward investment and we can see the fruits of this work.

  • Making Ashford’s streets safer

    It has always been one of my highest priorities to work with the police and the Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Scott to bear down on crime and anti-social behaviour.

  • Investment at the William Harvey

    Over recent years I have campaigned successfully to see off the threat to close the A&E services at the William Harvey which came from the idea a new so-called “super-hospital” in Canterbury. That idea has now gone away.

  • Protecting the Kent Countryside and those who live there

    As a Vice-President of Protect Kent I have a long-standing interest in preserving and enhancing the natural beauty of the Kent countryside. I believe this goes alongside helping our farmers to be successful and to ensuring that rural crime is given sufficient attention by Kent Police.