
Big Energy Saving Week

Damian has been supporting Big Energy Saving Week this week, which is a collaboration between the Department of Energy, Citizens Advice and the Energy Saving Trust. The Trust calculates that Ashford could save the best part of a million pounds by taking control of our heating. 

Jobs Fair

25th April 2024
10:00 - 15:00

Are you looking for a job or seeking talented employees? Come to our Jobs Fair, partnered with Job Centre Plus and People Plus, where job seekers and employers meet.

For Job Seekers:

Tenterden applies for the Vodafone Rural Open Sure Signal

Damian is supporting Tenterden’s application for the Vodafone Rural Open Sure Signal Programme. This uses existing broadband to deliver 3G coverage, which is quicker and cheaper than building new masts. It needs 30 buildings spread across Tenterden and St Michaels with an existing broadband connection.  The equipment is about the size of a cereal box. 100 communities will be given this opportunity, so let’s make Tenterden one of these pioneers. 

New Further Education College

Now that the Government has announced Hadlow College will take over provision of FE in Ashford, Damian has been leading the campaign to make sure the new college moves into the town centre site, providing a new building in place of the current empty ones, and bringing thousands of young people into the centre on a daily basis.

Rail Services

Damian joined other Kent MPs in successfully persuading the Department for Transport that control of Kent’s routes should not go the Mayor of London, whose priorities would not include Ashford.

Ashford Development

For many years Damian has campaigned for higher-quality development in and around Ashford. This will become even more important in the years ahead as the number of houses built is likely to rise. This affects not only Ashford but Tenterden, with several hundred houses scheduled to be built there.